Paula Escobar en La Tercera: El autogol de Allamand

Son personas que, aunque el canciller pareciera olvidar, tienen derechos humanos a pesar de su irregularidad migratoria y de su vulnerabilidad económica. La falta de carné de identidad no les quita su dignidad humana.

The chairman of the US Senate Foreign Affairs Committee, Senator Robert Menendez sent a letter to President Jair Bolsonaro

The chairman of the US Senate Foreign Affairs Committee, Democratic Senator Robert Menendez, on Friday 12 sent a letter to President Jair Bolsonaro asking that the President and Chancellor Ernesto Araújo “condemn” and “categorically reject” the attacks. of ex-President Donald Trump on Capitol Hill on Jan. 6, declaring that if not, there will be “damage to the bilateral relationship.”