‘The Mauritanian’ explores torture, abuse of former prisoner at Guantanamo Bay

The military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, took its first 20 detainees in 2002. Despite various calls to shutter it, it still stands almost twenty years later. A new movie now tells the story of Mohamedou Slahi, who spent 14 years within its walls, suffering abuse, even though he was never charged. Amna Nawaz takes a look at «The Mauritanian» for our arts and culture series, CANVAS.

Coronavirus: hasta el Washington Post destacó a la vacuna cubana Soberana

Sin dejar de lado su marcada retórica anti-cubana, el periódico estadounidense reconoció que la isla cuenta con un «aparato biotecnológico inusualmente sofisticado para un pequeño país» y remarcó particularmente las dos fórmulas más avanzadas que se estudian en el país contra la Covid-19: la Soberana 2 y la Abdala.